Project Euler - Problem 1 (Musical Notes)

Musical Notes is written entirely using quarter notes (crotchet), half notes (minim), dotted half notes (dotted minim), and whole notes (semibreve) of various pitches.

Problem 1

For more information on Project Euler - Problem 1 see my other posts:

Musical Notes

Esolangs Wiki’s article on Musical Notes

The language was created by Tom Price-Nicholson in 2014. There isn’t a lot of information, so the following is what I have gathered. If you see an error, please email me.


Each bar contains one instruction and one number which indicates how many times it should be repeated. The instructions are similar to brainf and the comparison chart is below. If a note does not factor into an instruction, it can be added for interest’s sake. (e.g. if a bar’s instructions are only for the beginning of a loop, then other notes may be added in the bar without changing the code)

brainf musical notes
> C4
< D4
+ E4
- F4
. G4
, A4
[ B4
] C5

And the notes above C5 combine with the type of note to denote how many times the instruction is to be repeated.

Base-5 Conversion of Notes

note base 5 note base 5
D5 crotchet 00001 F5 dotted minim 00300
D5 minim 00002 F5 semibreve 00400
D5 dotted minim 00003 G5 crotchet 01000
D5 semibreve 00004 G5 minim 02000
E5 crotchet 00010 G5 dotted minim 03000
E5 minim 00020 G5 semibreve 04000
E5 dotted minim 00030 A5 crotchet 10000
E5 semibreve 00040 A5 minim 20000
F5 crotchet 00100 A5 dotted minim 30000
F5 minim 00200 A5 semibreve 40000

Example: I want to add 333 to the current cell

The add instruction is an E4 of any note type

333 in base 5 is 2313 which translates to the notes (using american terminology)

  • G5 half-note (2 beats)
  • F5 dotted half-note (3 beats)
  • E5 quarter note (1 beat)
  • D5 dotted half-note (3 beats)


In order to minimize the number of beats per bar, I will make notes of the same length into a chord. This leads to a maximum of 10 beats per measure excluding the instruction. I will use 4/4 time and split up instructions that have durations beyond that or condense into a chord. Order doesn’t matter with the notes inside a bar because each has only one meaning that is context-free. But, in order to keep this problem as simple as possible, I did not alter the order or add more notes to a bar.

Applying this to my brainf program above, I get the following score where o represents a whole note (semibreve), d represents a quarter note (crotchet), h represents a half-note (minim), and h. represents a dotted half. Only the notes where duration matters are labelled.

E4 G5h E5d
E4 F5h. D5h.
C4 D5d
E4 D5h.
C4 D5d
E4 D5d
C4 D5d
E4 D5d
D4 D5h
F4 D5d
C4 D5h
D4 D5h
E4 D5d
C4 D5h
F4 D5d
D4 D5h.
F4 D5d
C4 D5d
B4 D5d
F4 D5d
C5 D5d
C4 D5d
E4 E5o D5o
E4 G5d F5h
C4 D5d
E4 E5d
C4 D5d
E4 D5d
C4 D5d
E4 D5d
D4 D5h
F4 D5d
C4 D5h
D4 D5h
E4 D5d
C4 D5h
F4 D5d
D4 D5h.
F4 D5d
C4 D5d
B4 D5d
F4 D5d
C5 D5d
E4 F5h D5d
E4 E5h.
D4 D5d
C4 D5d
E4 E5h.
C4 D5d
F4 D5d
C4 D5d
E4 D5d
D4 D5h
F4 D5d
C4 D5h
D4 D5h
E4 D5d
C4 D5h
F4 D5d
D4 D5h.
F4 D5d
C4 D5d
F4 D5d
C4 D5d
D4 D5h
E4 D5d
C4 D5h
F4 D5d
D4 D5h
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