Bivariate Transformations

Transformations using the change of variable technique

The generalized change of variables technique allows us to find the joint distribution of the transformations of two random variables.

Introduction to Moment Generating Functions

In statistics, a moment is a quantitative measure of the shape of a distribution. The moment generating function of a random variable, when it exists, is a unique descriptor of the variable's probability distribution.

Project Euler - Problem 1 (Musical Notes)

Musical Notes is written entirely using quarter notes (crotchet), half notes (minim), dotted half notes (dotted minim), and whole notes (semibreve) of various pitches.

Project Euler - Problem 1 (Esoteric)

Solution to Problem 1 in brainf, P", and Unary

If you want to solve the Project Euler problems on your own, stop here. The answer is spoiled in this article. For more detailed information on th...