Project Euler - Problem 1 (Esoteric)

Solution to Problem 1 in brainf, P", and Unary

If you want to solve the Project Euler problems on your own, stop here. The answer is spoiled in this article.

For more detailed information on the solution and on Project Euler, go to the non-esoteric solution article here.


If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6, and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.




Musical Notes separate post


Esolangs Wiki’s article on brainf

Code Snippet (

Note: the repl has similar comments as written in this article

Instead of printing the number I need, my implementation stores the answer in the first cell of the tape. The Repl above shows the first few cells and their values, which is how I know I have the correct answer. Furthermore, the compiler does not restrict the cell size as is common in other implementations. I will use the notation cell01, cell02, … to mean cell 1, cell 2, …

To begin, let’s add all the multiples of 3 under 1000

We need to fill a cell with the total number of multiples (1000/3 = 333). We can do this using some rudimentary multiplication.

We set cell02 to 30 by first setting cell03 to 6 and then adding 5 to cell02 until cell03 equals 0.


Next, we multiply cell02 by 10 and store the result in cell01 and add 3 after that. We now have 333 in cell01 .


The following code is a little more complicated

Essentially it will take every third number (starting at 3) and add it to a subtotal. The 333 we created in previous steps will act as our loop counter.

The end result will be 166833 in cell03 and 999 (the last digit divisible by 3 below 1000) in cell02

In order to illumiate the process a little more I added line by line comments

[         while cell01 is not 0
  >+++    add 3 to cell02
  [       while cell02 is not 0
    >+      add 1 to cell03
    >+      add 1 to cell04
    <<-     subtract 1 from cell02
  >>      move to cell04
  [       while cell04 is not 0
    <<+     add 1 to cell02
    >>-     subtract 1 from cell04
  <<<-    subtract 1 from cell01

This code simply clears the current cell which is cell02


BNow we can move on to the multiples of 5 using a very similar process to above. The total number of multiples is 1000/5 = 199.

We can use multiplication to set cell02 to 20 by setting cell01 to 5 and then adding 4 to cell02 until cell01 is 0


Then we can multiply the 20 in cell04 by 10 and store the resulting 200 in cell01. After, we can subtract 1 to get 199


Similarly to above, we will now add every fifth integer to cell03 to get a subtotal of 266333.


We know the lcm of 5 and 3 is 15, so now we are going to use the same process as above to subtract the mutliples of 15.

Set cell01 to 66


Subtract every 15th number


And finally we can move the correct answer (233168) into cell01


The final formatted code is


And condensed code is



Esolangs Wiki’s article on P"

Wikipedia Article on P"

Easily enough, P” uses instructions equivalent to all brainf instructions excluding I/O. I don’t use any I/O in my code above. Note: P" came first and no one is sure if brainf is derivative or developed on its own.

P" has four symbols in its alphabet— \({ R, \lambda, (, ) } \). This alphabet can form the words \(r, r’, L, R\) where \(r \equiv \lambda R\), \(r’ \equiv r^n\) (where \(r^n\) is the \(n\)th iterate of \(r\)), \(: \equiv r’\lambda\)

Here are the translations from brainf instructions to P" words:

brainf P"
> \(R\)
< \(L\)
+ \(r\)
- \(r’\)
[ \((\)
] \()\)

So the translation of my brainf program to P" is:

\( RRrrrrrr(LrrrrrRr’)L(LrrrrrrrrrrrRr’)Lrrr(Rrrr(RrRrLLr’)RR(LLrRRr’)LLLr’)R(r’) \) \( Lrrrrr(RrrrrLr’)R(LrrrrrrrrrrRr’)Lr’(Rrrrrr(RrRrLLr’)RR(LLrRRr’)LLLr’)R(r’) \) \( rrrrrrrrrrr(LrrrrrrRr’)L(Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr(Rr’RrLLr’)RR(LLrRRr’)LLLr’)R(r’)R(LLrRRr’)LL \)

Although it isn’t standard, I like to represent repeated P" variables with exponents to make the syntax more concise. This isn’t going into a compiler anyway

\(R^2r^6(Lr^5Rr’)L(Lr^{11}Rr’)Lr^3(Rr^3(RrRrL^2r’)R^2(L^2rR^2r’)L^2r’)R(r’)\) \(Lr^5(Rr^4Lr’)R(Lr^{10}Rr’)Lr’(Rr^5(RrRrL^2r’)R^2(L^2rR^2r’)L^3r’)R(r’)\) \(r^{11}(Lr^6Rr’)L(Rr^{15}(Rr’RrL^2r’)R^2(L^2rR^2r’)L^3r’)R(r’)R(L^2rR^2r’)L^2\)


Esolangs Wiki’s article on Unary

Unary is programmed by

  1. Writing the code in brainf
  2. Converting the brainf code to binary using the table below
  3. Concatenate all the binary numbers an prepend a 1 to the whole binary number
  4. Convert to unary using the digit 0
symbol decimal binary
> 0 000
< 1 001
+ 2 010
- 3 011
. 4 100
, 5 101
[ 6 110
] 7 111


Let’s take the simple program that clears a cell


Convert this to binary

110 011 111

Concatenate them and prepend a 1


Convert to Unary using the process detailed here gives 911 zeros.


This is one of the simplest functions and yet there are almost a thousand zeros. It becomes impractical to write out all the zeros, so it is standard to just write the number of zeros in the program. An easy way to calculate this is to

  1. Convert the Brainf*ck program to octal (><+-.,[] to 01234567)
  2. Prepend a 1 to the octal string to prevent any leading zeroes
  3. Convert to decimal

So, the solution for problem 1 of Project Euler is


Which means the final program has about 6.007e29 zeros

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